THE PARCC ASSESSMENTSThe Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), a consortium of states (Illinois included), developed and is now implementing tests in the public schools aligned with the Common Core Standards. In Illinois, the PARCC tests have now replaced the ISAT at the elementary level and Prairie State Exam at the secondary level. The PARCC website states that these “high quality assessments will allow parents and educators to see how children are progressing in school and whether they are on track for postsecondary success. The PARCC assessment also provides teachers with the ability to identify students who may be falling behind and need extra help.”
Implementing curriculum based on the CIRLI model supports the skills and knowledge necessary for K—12 students’ achievement of the state standards that are directly measured by these mandated assessments. Free 5 CPDU online workshop through Northeastern Illinois University’s College of Education Integrate pressing life issues into classes across the curriculum to effectively engage students in learning and support social emotional growth CLICK HERE to access the online workshop No need to come to a training. Download and complete the online workshop at your own pace |