College of Education Faculty |
If you are a pre-service or in-service teacher, please go to K-12 lesson plan guidelines.
This format will help you produce a Real Life Issues Curriculum Infusion module to prepare your students to integrate real life issues into their classes or other work (e.g. counseling) with K-12 students. Download the Guidelines Worksheet to help you design your module. Click here to download the Guidelines for College of Education Faculty Worksheet. Course Information In this section, describe the course for which you are planning to design prevention curriculum. Indicate why you have selected the course and where the prevention material will fit into the course. For examples of prevention curriculum in College of Education courses go to College of Education Faculty Sample Modules. Prevention Strategies and Rationale The Real Life Issues CI Model incorporates current research on the most effective ways to reach students to foster resiliency and support individual and community prevention. Use of evidence based strategies is very important because some approaches commonly thought to be effective prevention do not work and there is now a considerable amount of research on strategies that are effective. In this section, describe how you will incorporate each of the five major evidence based prevention strategies (correcting misperception of norms, correcting misperception of personal risk, encouraging pro social norms, enhancing life skills and supporting community prevention). Describe specifically how you will familiarize students with each strategy. For more information on these go to Evidence Based Prevention Strategies. Teachers as Leaders Teachers need to be aware of the power of their positions as leaders and role models and the influence they can exert upon their students. Describe what methods you will utilize to reinforce the powerful impact your students may have on their students. Anticipate objections students may have regarding incorporating prevention content into K-12 classes. Know how you will address such objections. Learning Objectives Indicate the specific learning objectives that you want your students to achieve by the end of the class. Learner Characteristics The composition of your class has a significant impact on your curriculum design at all levels of education. Describe how you consider realities such as student learning styles, disabilities, class size, and the learning environment in your prevention curriculum. Cultural Competencies The diversity of K-12 students has a significant impact on curriculum design. Describe how you will prepare future teachers to consider realities such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, and socioeconomic status. Describe how you will teach them to be aware of the issues of the community where they teach, and how they will incorporate that awareness into their lesson plans and teaching. Instructional Strategies and Activities Describe the instructional activities you will include in your module. Indicate how the specific activities will help meet your learning objectives and address issues of evidence based strategies, learner characteristics and cultural competence. How do you plan to encourage active student participation? Will you use additional resources (e.g. films)? Free 5 CPDU online workshop through Northeastern Illinois University’s College of Education Integrate pressing life issues into classes across the curriculum to effectively engage students in learning and support social emotional growth CLICK HERE to access the online workshop No need to come to a training. Download and complete the online workshop at your own pace |